Saturday 4 October 2014

I told my story

Setem to pengudah Rajah Brooke turun tahta nyadi Gobenor.Barong Panau reti Bot Mukat(pukat)..Post to ku paste ari siko info bangsa ribai.

Stamp depicting a Barong Panau

“barong” means boat, and “panau” refers to net fishing; displaying the former (pre-1973) coat of arms of Sarawak, designed by J.D. Hughes, engraved and printed by Bradbury,Wilkinson & Co., Ltd., and issued for use in Sarawak on October 1, 1957

Sarawak still country but is one of two Malaysian states on the island of Borneo. The eastern seaboard of Borneo was charted, though not settled,by the Portuguese in the early 16th century. Sarawak was thus an independent kingdom from 1841 until 1888, when the state was placed under British protection.

Japan invaded Sarawak and
occupied the island of Borneo
in 1941,holding both
territories for the duration of
World War II until the area
was secured by Australian
forces in 1945. Charles Vyner
Brooke (the White Rajah)
formally ceded sovereignty to
the British Crown on 1 July 1946.

Sarawak was officially
granted independence on 22
July 1963, and joined with
Malaya, Sabah, and
Singapore, in the federation
of Malaysia.

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